> Hi,
> I'm just full of questions these days. I'm using drop down menus for
> the first time and am using the son of suckerfish. Everything works
> great in IE7, FF, Safari, except that in IE6 I've got some extra
> width on the drop down and in the main nav bar. I originally thought
> it was the double margin bug, but after applying the display: inline
> to my two floats, it didn't help, so I'm a little lost. Here is the
> site link.


This is just a directory update for the same probelem. Haven't been  
able to solve it yet.

SITE: http://pws.tonedeafstudios.com/
CSS: http://pws.tonedeafstudios.com/css/global.css

The problem still exists. The css is now all in an external file.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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