> Hi all,
> I've just finished this website, and to the best of my knowledge everything
> is XHTML and CSS valid.
> I've tried to make the site as accessible as I can, but I'm requesting a
> site check just in case I've missed anything.
> Regards
> Chris
Works for me Chris, in:
xp :: opera/9.02, ff/2.0, ie/7.0, and ie6.0.
If you're interest is in accessibility, you may want to ask for a site 
check from the Web Standards Group <http://webstandardsgroup.org/> .
Some very personal opinions:
-- it is a little subtle for my crude taste-- maybe more contrast for 
the text and and an accent color here and there?
-- there is some vertical overlap in a couple of pages with font zoom
-- have you considered making it easier for ie users to scale the fonts?
-- the validation buttons are valuable to you and I (but are they just 
confusing for users?).


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