> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roger Roelofs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 2:07 PM

> >
> Mac checks in Safari2, ff2, Opera9, all match.  ICab displays well
> except that the columns/footer stuff are _way_ down the page.

Do you mean that the columns are moving below the main content?? I had that
problem with IE before I zeroed out the padding/margins, I wonder if there's
some default that it's adding back in making the column content too wide to
float properly.

Is iCab used a lot?? I'll have to ask our German group if they think it's
worth trying to fix.

>  IE/mac
> does a pretty good job of scrambling the layout, but everything is
> readable.  IE/mac could probably be fixed, but you/your customer will
> have to decide whether it is worth it.  The other option is to hide
> the css from ie/mac and let the users read an unstyled page.

I think my dad has IE on his Mac so I'll go see how bad it is and decide
what to do; I might need some pointers on fixes or maybe we can set up a
simple style just for that browser.

> The only thing I noticed is that you don't have a background color
> specified for the body element.  That means the browser default/user
> choice appears all around the edges of your layout.  In my case it is
> kind of a blue-green color.  I'm betting you were envisioning white :-)

Yikes!! Yes, I was envisioning white and I obviously have my browsers set to
white, since I didn't even notice ;-) I'll bet the blue-green looked really
strange with my tan & purple. I'll go fix that right away!

> All in all, a nice looking page.

Thank you!!

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