Hi mike,

I'm not too sure about the drop down menus but as to your footer, it isn't aligned like your 'container'. The container is auto aligned so that it centers but your footer is floating to the left, not aligned.

When I say aligned I mean: margin: auto.

I havn't tested it out but I have a feeling that that might help you. Although, I could be wrong.


From: Mike Buettner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Subject: [css-d] First timer looking for css review
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2007 16:52:23 -0800

Working on my first CSS based site:  http://scottriggs.com/2007

The site is just beginning to get laid out and this is the home page.
I'm looking for any an all input PLUS some help with:

1. Footer (blue bar) is out of alignment. This happened after I
started adding content to the right column.

2. My nav drop down menus go behind elements in both the right and
left columns in IE 5.

The CSS is here: http://scottriggs.com/2007/css.html

Please pull no punches and let me know how I am doing.


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