On 3/6/07, L. David Baron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 2007-03-06 02:36 -0500, Web Developer wrote:
> > Both FF2 and IE7 goof on the title tag. although FF2 displays the
> > title tag correctly in the 'tab' bar, but not in main browser address
> > bar. Weird.
> My "main browser address bar", I think you mean the title bar of the
> window.  The text there is drawn by the operating environment, not
> by the browser within it,

Yeh thats what I meant, I thought maybe Jukka's last method might work
as I saw in mentioned before that title tag isnt affected by dir
> Jukka: Set U+202B RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING at the start of the title text and

As you can see in a pic here, the title bar of window messes up with
that method as well.

The thing that annoys me is it seems like its very hard if not
impossible to edit foreign text in Dreamweaver. All the source code
text in Dreamweaver shows up incorrectly it seems going left to right
(even though the <body> content when viewed in browser shows up fine).
So seems like only way to get meanful editing done is to edit it in
Word doc (which has arabic/farsi support), and then i cut and paste
chunks of paragraphs i need into appropriate divs. Anyone figure out a
way to edit text typing from right to left in Dreamweaver itself, or
some other open-source way in case i have to send the .html document
to someone to edit?

Thanks, Ari
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