On Tue, 6 Mar 2007, Web Developer wrote:

> As you can see in a pic here, the title bar of window messes up with
> that method as well.
> http://arihoj.freehostia.com/arabic.html

Thank you for posting the address of a demo page. The situation looks much 
clearer now.

Looking at the page on IE 7 and FF 2 on Windows XP SP 2, I see the title 
bar of the window presenting the text correctly, as in the document's 
content. There's just the problem of truncation that I discussed in my 
previous reply (where I unfortunately confused left with right; the point 
is that the truncation indicator "..." is on the _right_ as usual, but it 
should be on the _left_ for right-to-left text). Apparently the problem 
you observed is more serious: the entire writing direction is wrong.

I think the problem is in the support for right to left writing in the 
_system_, somehow. This might be due to using some older version of 
Windows. Adding support to Arabic writing might help, though this would of 
course not solve the problem in web authoring - you cannot install 
additional support on your visitors' systems.

I think there's nothing we can do about this in CSS. You might consider 
asking about this on some other forum, like 
where you can probably find people who know the problems of using Arabic 
letters on the web.

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/

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