Hi everyone,

I've been working with a graphic designer on the redevelopment of a website 
and she's using Safari on a Mac.

When she views the navigation menu, the spacing of the <li> aren't the same 
as in Firefox and IE on the PC (win2k) and the opacity filter isn't working.

Can anyone give me some thoughts on how I can have it work in Safari as 
well as the firefox, IE and Opera?

I spent a week getting this to work on the PC.

What she sees is here:http://www.seco.com.au/safari.html
Here's the page: http://www.seco.com.au/index.php

Navigation menu: http://www.seco.com.au/styles/navigation.css
Page:  http://www.seco.com.au/styles/explorer.css

The page validates for the xhtml and the navigation menu css validates 
(other than the opacity filter which I think I can work around).

The main thing I need is the <li> to line up on the image behind and the 
mouseover image to line up on the image behind.

Thanks tons.

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