At 9:47 AM -0400 5/20/07, Roger Roelofs wrote:
>>tedd wrote:
>>It might not be popular on this list, but I don't see anything wrong
>>with using a simple table for this.
>>Anyone care to object and say why he shouldn't?
>I object! :-)
>First, I don't think it will do what the original poster was after, 
>tho I could be wrong because the current layout confused me.  
>Currently the two images are one over the other and a table would
>make the hover effect kind of strange.

The OP said he wanted images side by side. To me that means one of 
the left and one of the right (or the other way around if you're 
dyslectic as I am). But, it doesn't mean stacked vertically as he had 
them. So, let's stop trying to guess as to what the OP wanted and 
discuss using tables for this.

I've heard a lot about the "only proper use" of tables is for tabular 
data, but I'm not convinced.

Sure, if you use tables for a nested layout of images and text, I 
understand the problems that it presents to screen readers (i.e., 
accessibility concerns). However, to keep some elements aligned, 
using table tags is certainly less cumbersome and requires far less 
coding than using css to accomplish the same thing -- and it doesn't 
have to adversely affect accessibility.

Also, you can place table attributes in css via "id" and "class" 
identifiers and remove them from the html. As such, I don't see where 
the <table> tag is any more, or less, inaccessible than a <p> tag if 
used properly.

As for maintainability, a simple table is much easier to see what's 
going on than a bunch of floats. One of the biggest repeating 
problems on this list is trying to align stuff side by side via css 
instead of using a simple table, is it not?

As for being a "clean html freak" -- so am I. However, I want *all* 
my code to be neat AND be Semantic Markup. To me, tables provide more 
explanation as to what's going on than floats in trying to get things 
aligned side by side.

Now, I am not promoting wide-spread use of tables for everything 
(like the old days) -- I'm just saying that with some task, the old 
tool makes more sense.

So, do I hear anyone else object?

Please, if I'm wrong, show me the error of my way.


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