Alan Gresley wrote:
> Christian Heilmann wrote:
>> Here is the assumption this article made: a drop down menu should
>> work regardless of input device and stay on the screen when
>> completely expanded without causing scrollbars and thus becoming
>> impossible to reach the last items. Anything wrong with that?
>> Let's see an application of common sense and find a CSS only menu
>> that works with a keyboard and stays on-screen even if there is not
>> enough space for it to show more to the left or the bottom.
> Hi everyone
> I have been following this thread with particular interest but
> staying in the background while it bounded in and out of holy war
> territory. Keyboard Accessibility with CSS is possible by using the
> :focus pseudo selector but at this time, only Firefox and Mozilla
> (maybe any Netscape compliant) fully support the :focus property.
> Opera has a slight problem with focus and grabbing the submenus.
> What I do find frequently on this list is request for help with CSS
> menus that have far to many links in them, micro text or little boxes
> to hover in. You cannot simply grab some CSS from here, and from
> there, then add this bit of JS etc and make it all work. Is this
> indeed why CSS menus are described as *bad*
> Having developed a CSS menu that does all of what Christian has
> stated accessibility wise. Now all we can do is wait for other
> browser vendors to catch up and if not, add whatever JS is needed to
> help the other browsers out with focus. In my demo, I find the
> vertical version much easier to use.
> <>
> 1. Use the tab key to access all list items, observing how the
> submenus open when a parent anchor is in focus.
> 2. Notice the added use of the :after selector to add additional
> guidance.
> 3. Select any link (pressing enter) and go to a test page and then
> use the Alt+left arrow key together to return to the previous page
> with the same menu item still in focus.
> The normal hover functioning of the menu works in most browsers. Any
> test with the Khtml or Webkit browser engines would be appreciated.
> Regarding full accessibility at this point in time, I say that this
> menu is currently one of the best when javascript is enabled.
> <>

Hmm, in Konqueror 3.5.7 on Linux, with scripting enabled, the horizontal
menu seems to work ONCE. Put mouse pointer over a tab, the horizontal
menu changes to match. Put mouse pointer over a diferent tab, and
nothing happens - we still have the horizontal menu of the first tab the
mouse pointer was over. So if hover is supposed to be triggering 
something, it's not working here.

Tabbing moves the active link box along, but when it hits "Menus" (for
instance), no horizontal or other menu appears. After pressing tab seven
times, the active box moves to the Articles: A-D item and seems to be
stuck there (continued tabbing doesn't move the box anywhere).

With the active box on Article: A-D, I pressed Enter and got the A-D 
horizontal menu. Pressing Alt-Left Arrow brought me back to the page 
with the active box on the A-D tab, but the horizontal menu for Menus 

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