On Nov 26, 2007, at 2:40 PM, Alan Gresley wrote:

> ...
> <http://css-class.com/007/opacity2.htm>
> #stackB {opacity:0.80}
> Firefox, Opera and IE7 shows the same as the last test. Opacity has  
> created a stacking content for the blue box in Safari so now the  
> blue box is above the yellow and red box.

Hmm. Opacity creates a stacking context in Gecko, as I explained in  
my previous mail.
Firefox 2.0 puts the blue box behind the yellow box. Gecko 1.9  
(nightly builds, Fx 3 beta 1) puts the blue box in front, just as  
Safari 2 and 3. Which one is correct ?
The yellow box has a z-index of '1',  higher than the implicit z- 
index of the blue box (according to D.Hyatt [1], opacity gives a z- 
index of '0'). Shouldn't the yellow box be on top ?

This is what happens if the blue box had 'position:relative' and 'z- 
index:0' instead of using 'opacity'. (position relative with auto z- 
index being analogous to opacity).

[1] <http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/hyatt/archives/2004_09.html>

Philippe Wittenbergh

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