Ysgrifennodd Gunlaug Sørtun:
> Add...
> ul#cyfeirio {margin-left: 0;}
> ...or...
> ul#cyfeirio {margin: 0;}
> ...depending on where you want that ul to stay.
> IE/win uses margin-defaults on lists, while most other browsers use
> padding-defaults. It is therefore a good practice to zero out both
> margins and paddings that aren't used/declared for positioning of lists.
D'oh!  I really should have worked that out for myself.  Thanks Georg.

Whilst I've got your attention, though ...  Does anyone happen to know 
why IE leaves a big gap between the top_nav and the pennawd_gw.   I 
notice that all the other browsers  leave a  large gap between the top 
of the cynnwys and the start of the first included p or h1/2.  It seems 
that IE is making the pennawd_gw and the cynnwys content line up (which 
is actually what I would like), but moving everything down about 30px 
(which is not), whilst all the other browsers have the content moved 
down (which is not what I would like), but not the pennawd_gw (which is).

I'll have to stop for tonight (my head's done in), but I'll fix the ul 
tomorrow and confirm all is well.  If anyone does know what the other 
problem is I'd be delighted to hear that as well.  If it would help to 
post that as a separate question, I'll do that, as it might make it 
easier for anyone else with the same problem.  Just let me know if you 
think I should re-post with a new title.



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