Ron Zisman wrote:

> i moved the image to the body, as the outer wrap only extended as
> deep as the last <div>, leaving the bottom of the screen blue. it
> seems to work in the body...
> question on size??? this is a whopping 600kp and is about 1800 px
> wide and 1000 px deep. what are your thoughts on size? and
> compression... i'm sure i can squeeze a little more... but what is a
> sane size and weight? also, i have a blue background on the body, but
> it doesn't extend beyond the it shows as white.. what goes?

Apply background to the html element, and experiment with transparent
background(-color) further in.

Having file-sizes over 100K for background-decoration, seems a bit too
heavy, IMO.

With so little of the background-image actually being visible in an
average browser-window, I would look at ways for using much smaller (in
file-size) repeated background-images, and make use of .

Maybe one part on top on the #outerwrap, and one on bottom of html
and/or body, might work.

Available window-size will always be difficult to predict.
For now it can go down to around 900px width, which is a bit on the
large side, IMO.
OTOH: it looks a bit strange if I open my browser-window to full
screen-width - 3800px, so it's all about finding a balance that you're
happy with.

> and about the navigation.... the intention is to have 2 of 3 columns
> of sub-navigation--3 or 4 columns floated next to each other. no list
> will have more than 4 entries.

Just take into account that text may be subjected to resizing, and there
shouldn't be any real problems.

> but before that, why is my list (ul) being pushed to the bottom of 
> #navigation?

Zero out some margins and paddings on top of the ul first, and trim to

Can't really see the need for that many containers surrounding nav, as
an ul is usually good enough as container all on its own. At least
#navcontainer can go.

> definitely open to a more intelligent approach

Difficult to give more intelligent advices since I don't know all the
details behind the visual design. Focus on getting the design to work
for now, as it will reveal your ideas a lot better when all visual bits
are in place.

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