On Fri, 01 Feb 2008 04:11:15 -0800
Ken Davies wrote:

> Hello and thanks for letting me join your group, although it's very 
> intimidating for a novice.I am definitely not a hand coder, but I sure
> have changed a lot of code by hand. I built a table oriented image
> heavy website no CSS. I struggle to get to first base with CSS on my
> top banner, it should be simple- changing the text between my logo and
> a gif one of my rings. It is presently a fixed size table that I think
> should expand to the browser.

In addition to Arlen's words of wisdom. If the image isn't vital to the
page content then put it in the background. The jewellery item at the
right could be in the background.

#banner {
        background: url(/images/Animation11.gif) right center no-repeat;

#banner p {
        padding-right: 83px; /* leaves Animation11.gif uncovered */

Putting it in the background makes it part of the template and releases
it from the requirement to have alt text. The background "center" is
optional as vertical centering is the default, i put it in, but you
could change it to top, bottom or delete it if you choose.

Also it looks like that image is meant to be an animation but my browser
reports an error in the image and no animation takes place.


All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall
be well

 - Julian of Norwich 1342 - 1416
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