Noah Learner wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am trying to implement a dropline navigation on my site.  It is
> problematic when any of the main  links have a sub menu because the active
> li expands in size horizontally to encompass the submenu's ul.  This is a
> problem because it makes the menu break into two lines if there are enough
> submenu choices.  If you look at
> you'll see what I
> mean. On this page I want the width of the "li photogallery" to stay it's
> normal width and for the submenu's li's named " staff, bands, box fans,
> crowd, and halloween to spread on the line below.  How do I do this?
> Any Help would be greatly appreciated.
> -Noah

Try this.

div#nav > ul > li {width:12%}  /* ADD */
div#nav > ul > li ul li {width:20%;}  /* ADD */

#nav ul.subsection {
        float: left;
        clear: both;
        margin-left: -100%; /* CHANGE */
        position: relative;
        top: 3px;
        line-height: 29px;
        width:800%; /* ADD */

This approach would work better if you have ten links in the top menu with 
margins, paddings or borders. This doesn't handle well when text resizing 
upwards since you have text break out. Maybe five links in the top menu will 
work better to avoid this problem.


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