Quoting "Cynthia M. Brumbaugh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Thanks to all,
> 1. I 'think' I have fixed the jumping on hover issue.
> 2. Do I even need any display property on a and a:hover? I am still really
> shaky on this idea.
> 3. I am back to wanting to throw my monitor across the room, after I put the
> nav back into a list I got the little circles back in front of the words, ok
> fine, I got rid of them before, but do you think I can do it again, noooo.
> Drat.
> This css stuff is not easy.
> http://www.chekmed.com/med_index.htm
> Thank You again,
> Cynthia

Hi Cynthia,

Add this rule to get rid of the bullet circles before the nav items.

ul#navigation {
   list-style: none;

You don't need to declare display: block; or display: inline; for  
items if their default display setting is acceptable. And echoing what  
someone else wrote, stay away from position: relative, position:  
absolute, unless you are trying to do something difficult that can't  
be done some other way.

I noticed you added the id "navigation" to your unordered list, this  
makes addressing rules specifically targeted to your navigation easier  
and avoids confounding other unordered lists that might appear on  
pages that use the same stylesheet.

Hope this helps,


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