On 17-Mar-08, at 8:53 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Is it possible to set a rule for different  monitors resolutions?

Old articles [1] and [2], but I'm sure they're still good to peruse.

> Can the browser sense what resolution the monitor a web surfer is  
> using?

Yes; however resolution alone does not indicate the actual width that  
is being used. Browser toolbars/infobars and/or a non-maximised window  
can reduce both the horizontal and vertical space on offer.

> Any other solutions using css

You could use percentages for widths - this will allow the browser to  
dynamically resize the content to fit the available space.

  - Rahul.

[1] http://particletree.com/features/dynamic-resolution-dependent-layouts/

[2] http://www.themaninblue.com/writing/perspective/2006/01/19/
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