Ibrahim wrote:

> Thanks all, I'm really happy now :)
> anyway, I fixed the menu on IE6, but still not sure about IE7 coz I didn't
> test it on IE7
> I commented the old code, you can check the css file.
> moreover, firefox need the attribute "float:left" to display it correctly.
> I think it's not the correct way to the menu but I have no choice.
> link: http://www.ndaworld.org/

Seeing that you have are referring to Georg's rescue of IE.


You should actually be replying to him. Yes the fix works in FF, IE6, IE7. 
Ibrahim, what IE versions do have locally anyway?

> I think you got the ???? ?? ? ?? ? ?? because your computer doesn't support
> Arabic fonts, same issue applied to square things at the title (encoding)

No my computer shows the script correctly, my poor saving of that script caused 
the sequence of ??? ???. It really doesn't matter because the Arabic script 
makes as much sense to me as ????. My understanding is poor since the Arabic 
script runs from from right to left but I can not tell if the glyphs in the 
words are 1234 or 4321 order. Both glyphs directions can apply to right to left 
text. As a guide for the future, those seeking help with pages with 
bidirectional text. It would help to mention which direction the glyph run.

You have used a lot of text-align to arrange alignment of the script to cater 
for IE problems but this is what the dir="rtl" should be doing anyway. Look 
where the various browsers put the vertical scrollbar.

> Also, what are you using to save that page? IE/win (any version) is of
> > no use.
> >
> Sorry, I didn't get it.

This question was what Georg asked me, not what I asked you. The answer is that 
I just copied your source code from the source in FF and pasted it into my text 
editor (works OK with Latin script :-). Georg would have saved it in Opera 
another way which preserved the script. I have a new template just coded in 

> Thanks All again.
> any idea about the page center problem?
> Ibrahim

Yes it is this.

body {
        /* width:950px; DELETE */
div.center {
        /* text-align: center; DELETE */

div#wrapper {
        margin-right: auto;
        margin-left: auto;
        width:950px; /* ADD */

and in the HTML.

<div class="center" align="center">     
Delete this class center div from the source and remove it closing tag (just 
before </html>). This div is automatically added by a MS authoring tool which 
has also added the tables for layout. I presume that you have taken over the 
maintenance of the site and in doing so you have inherited a page that was 
coded for IE (like in the year 1997).

> I'm still not debugging for IE8, should I ?

Don't bother fixing it for IE8. It's MS job is to fix IE8.

If you have a standalone, for amusement just view Georg fix or my new template 
and watch some weirdness like peekaboo activity. Double click on the content 
text and what it jump. Hhover here or there and move small windows (100px by 
100px) over various parts of the page. It shows all the symptoms of the 
peekaboo bug [1]. Yes it still present but just triggered differently. I 
attempting to correlate this with those trident rendering bands [2].

My new template shows the page content centered in all browsers apart from IE5. 
IE6 and IE7 are now all fixed up. The problem was this.

#area {
        padding: 0;
        /* width:100%; DELETE hasLayout [3] trigger */


The HTML in my template has striped the class center div and all tables from 
the code. The CSS embedded in the header has been largely reduced and all 
text-aligns have be remove from the layout divs. I have only remove a useless 
(table div.center text-align) IE skeleton from a already strong frame. I have 
also unfrozen the font size so now you can resize the text in all browsers.

What Georg has done you can use now. My new template is a based that you may 
wish to use at a later date but before doing so you first must understand why 
Georg's rescue and my reconstruction are different. The former is a traditional 
doctype and the later is a strict doctype. Both are valid. One is coded for IE 
and the other is a attempt at best practices.

BTW, read the last link "on having layout" over and over again until it sinks 

Isn't CSS fun!

[1] <http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/peekaboo.html>
[2] <http://css-class.com/test/bugs/ie/renderingbands.htm>
[3] <http://www.satzansatz.de/cssd/onhavinglayout.html>



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