Lensco wrote:

> Hello guys & girls, new to this list.
> Observe: http://lensco.be/test/nested_floats/
> Short story: a right float within a left float looks different in
> Safari compared to Firefox and IE. So, who is right here? Is there a
> way to get them to behave the same? Fixed widths are not an option.
> My opinion: Safari is the most consistent - although it adds some
> extra padding for no reason?

Welcome to the list. :-)

Gecko 1.7~1.8 and IE7 will show this behavior when a child element is 
floated right inside a parent element floated either left or right.


I should add that in Gecko 1.7~1.9 and Opera 9.5 a right floated element 
within an overflow container, either the viewpoint or an element with 
overflow:auto and overflow:scroll will be clipped at the left edge of 
the overflow container. All other browsers that I know of will show the 
full width of such a float.


This is now a bug in Safari [1] and was discussed [2] on the CSS WG 
mailing list.

[1] <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18203>
[2] <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2008Mar/0422.html>



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