Lensco wrote:

>>> My opinion: Safari is the most consistent - although it adds some
>>> extra padding for no reason?
>>  Could you clarify that ?
> In the meantime I updated the testcase and added screenshots for IE7, FF3
> and Opera: http://lensco.be/test/nested_floats/
> Safari seems to add some extra 'padding' to the containing boxes, while
> Opera doesn't. As far as I can tell, Opera is currently the only one to get
> it 100% right.
> My next question then is how to get FF2 en IE to behave like Opera does. I
> need it for a right to left website (in Arabic) I'm working on.

What you are encountering is undefined behavior in CSS2.1 [1]. No 
browser is correct or incorrect because this has never been looked into 
before. This I will personally be raising on the CSS WG mailing list [2] 
but my test cases must become more simpler.

Welcome to the world of many many standards. ;-)

[1] <http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/>
[2] <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/>


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