Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

> selector {
> white-space:-moz-pre-wrap;
> white-space:-webkit-pre-wrap;
> white-space:-o-pre-wrap;
> white-space:pre-wrap;
> }
> should cover most browsers.

By the specs, only the last declaration should work.
By the current state of affairs, none of them works on IE, which is 
still clearly the most dominant browser, unless the world suddenly 
changed last night.

> For IE, iirc, you need to add ' word-break:break-all'.

It's word-wrap: break-word and it really breaks words. It primarily 
invokes wrapping at white space, but when needed to make text fit, it 
also breaks, say, "catastrophal" into "catastropha" and "l" (with no 
hyphen inserted, so the reader cannot tell whether it really means 
"catastropha l"). So it's largely a problem rather than a solution.

Regarding the original poster's problem, I'd like to see it isolated 
(the URL given contains a lot of things quite irrelevant to the issue) 
and also presented in a meaningful context, i.e. a situation where it is 
desirable to aim at white-space: pre-wrap. The reason is that since this 
declaration does not work on IE, we need to consider workarounds, and 
workarounds depend on context and purpose.

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca") 

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