> Bill Brown wrote:
>> 3. What do YOU say to a client who asks you to make the default font size 
>> smaller?

Georg Sørtun replied:
> You can say: "OK, but it may not work as you want at the visitor's end, no 
> matter
> what". If the client insists; just do it.

 From a design standpoint, I'd say "follow Georg's advice - all of it."

One additional idea I'd like to suggest is that you add a link to info
on how to alter browser and/or OS settings to modify font size,
contrast, etc.. If the client complains about it, point out that the
BBC news site does this: Check out the "Low Graphics | Accessibility
help" links at the top left of most pages.


(Thinks: I wonder if the BBC would object to us putting those
links on our own pages?)


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