On 10/1/2008 6:48 PM, Hedley Finger wrote:
> Re the 1px deep repeating graphic, I thought that this would save 
> download time -- the usual delayer -- and allow the browser to quickly 
> render the page.  If I use a larger graphic and it is not an exact 
> submultiple of the page depth, what happens then?

"Flat" graphics compress extremely well.  Since my 7x16 GIF file 
consists of 16 identical rows, they'll compress to be only ever so 
slightly larger than a 7x1 image.  Predictably, the largest of my 
graphics are the corners, which contain more variation.  Even then, the 
largest of them is 163 bytes.  Saving download time isn't a concern for 
these files. :)  Even on a 2400bps modem, that largest graphic would 
take less than 1 second to transfer.

Rendering can be significant simply because if a box is 1000 pixels 
tall, the browser has to render 1000 copies of a 1-pixel-tall image, 
whereas it only needs to render 63 copies of a 16-pixel image.  I 
haven't played with the difference on modern browsers, but relatively 
few years ago, browsers would slow down considerably on pages with lots 
of image files, including pages with very large numbers of one tiled 
image.  Having learned that lesson then, I've continued to apply it 
whether or not it's still necessary.  For a 103-byte GIF file, it's not 
worth worrying about whether it'd be slightly more efficient if I made 
it 7x1 instead of 7x16.


Erik Harris                                http://www.eHarrisHome.com
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