> Seriously? Messy/disastrous coding practices aside (which can apply 
> to CSS layouts just as much as table layouts), but do you mean you 
> can make sense of your code, above, but you can't make sense of this 
> code, below?
> <tr>
>          <td id="header" colspan="3"></td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
>          <td id="nav"></td>
>          <td id="content"></td>
>          <td id="sidebar"></td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
>          <td id="footer" colspan="3"></td>
> </tr>
> My code might *look* like there's more work involved in creating it, 
> but what you're not showing in your code is all the countless hacks 
> and fixes that you have to implement "behind the scenes" -- whereas 
> my code requires *none*, *zero*, and in all likelihood never will.
> Ron  ;) 
Cool, then show the sidebar on the left. Doesn't require a hack with CSS :)

The Devil does not need an advocate, seriously :)

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