I know this topic has come up here before (because I've searched the 
list archives), but I couldn't find what any ultimate recommendation 
is over what to do.

I've got the CSS for one of my sites validating with no errors, 
except for the styling of the scrollbars (for IE only, of course), 
i.e. "scrollbar-track-color", "scrollbar-face-color", etc. -- 
this/these alone are causing the CSS file to not validate. In 
searching the list archives, it would seem that there's nothing that 
one can do about that, that using that "feature" simply will prevent 
the CSS file from validating.

But what's the recommendation, then? If that -- and that alone -- is 
all that's making the style sheet not validate, then is it really 
important that it does (validate)? Or is the recommendation to just 
never, ever use that scrollbar stuff (and, if so... well, what really 
is the harm)?

Also, for a variety of different things (like link colors, etc.) I 
get a bunch of these warnings (not errors)...

"You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to 
transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of 
colors keeps the text reasonably legible."

How on earth is that a "warning"? If I set a background color for my 
links or whatever else, well, then there goes my background graphic 
out the window.

On the other hands, are warnings like the above safe to just totally 
ignore completely?

Pardon my stupidity (if that, in fact, is the correct observation and 
answer for all of the above!).

Ron <%}

Woof?... http://www.Psymon.com
Ach, du Leni!... http://www.Riefenstahl.org
Hmm... http://www.Imaginary-Friend.ca

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