On Wed, February 18, 2009 3:58 pm, Ron Koster wrote:

> I understand what you're saying, but specifying
> font sizes in pixels *does* guarantee that things
> will look *proportionally* the same, regardless
> of browser/platform. If I specify my font sizes as:
> 9px, 14px, 23px, 37px, etc.
> ...then that's what they'll be, no matter what
> resolution, browser or platform the user is on,
> and things will all look *proportionally* exactly
> how I want them. With that said, however, I do
> understand all the issues with using px instead
> of percentages (or em) -- but again, this is just my frustration.

Pixels in CSS don't mean what you think they mean: they are relative
units, and aren't necessarily the same thing as the device pixels I
suspect you have in mind:

Even if you specify your font sizes in pixels, every browser other than IE
will scale them up if the user hits Ctrl+ (and down with Ctrl-). In
addition, a user who has set their minimum font size to be, say, 16px
won't see your 9px and 14px text at those sizes.


Nick Fitzsimons

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