wrote on Friday, March 6, 2009:

> > Von: "Els" <>

> > wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > >
> > > The page has three columns: leftcontent, centercontent and
> > > rightcontent. Why does the centercontent not begin at the top
> > > of the window?
> > 
> > Because of there being 'things' before the columns inside the
> > <body> element.
> > 
> > > centercontent has no top margin, while rightcontent has a top
> > > margin of 25 px. Why do they line up vertically, nonetheless?
> > 
> > The top margin of the right content is overlapping the space that
> > is caused by said 'things'.
> > 
> > > There are 3 characters,  , at the top left of the window,
> > > whose origin escapes me. They are not found anywhere in the
> > > HTML-file. Has anyone seen such an occurence?
> > 
> > That is something called "UTF-8 BOM". Your editor puts it in
> > there I think. Choose an editor that doesn't add it, or one where
> > you can choose to add or not add it. Personally I use TextPad
> > (only on Windows), which has a tickbox for it, which I untick.
> > 
> > The second thing that probably takes up space above your columns,
> > is your <style> element. This belongs inside the <head> of your
> > document, not in the <body>.
> What sort of 'things' can be within the body-element before the
> columms? From where?

Thing 1: the UTF-8 BOM
Thing 2: the style element.
> The style-element IS contained within the head-element:
> <head> ... <style> ... </style> ... </head> ... <body> ...

Firebug showed me the style element as first element inside <body>, right after 
the UTF-8 BOM. I didn't realise that this is probably caused by this very UTF-8 
BOM, which I now see via view source, is before the doctype, and not inside 
<body> like Firebug showed.

> I wonder why a BOM is being inserted with "text/html;
> charset=us-ascii" .

I have no idea about that, sorry. Just open the file in a different text editor 
than before, save it, re-upload, and check if it's gone.

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