> Or maybe the <a> element doesn't extend its height around the <span>, and 
> therefore there is no visible hover effect.

That's it.  Thanks, sort of.  I put this project down for a few months, and was 
just getting back to it today.  Originally, I didn't have the <span>.  I just 
had an empty <a> with a background image.  But since it was empty, IE doesn't 
acknowledge the height.  I had put an empty <img> in it (ie. without a src) 
because images get to have height and width.  But then I get IE's ugly "broken 
image" picture, so that was no good.  So then I tried <span> since it can go 
inside <a> but it brings us right back to the empty link issue that I had 
forgotten about in the months since I put it down.

If I put in &nbsp; then I have to hover over the space for the :hover to take 
effect.  But once it does, I can hover anywhere in the defined dimensions of 
the link without the regular style taking back over.

So I now have a new question: how can I give an empty link height in IE?  Since 
the height property in the css isn't working.  The whole point of this is to 
have the previous/next images be styleable via the stylesheet, instead of 
hardcoded in the javascript, which is why I want the background images instead 
of actual images. (if this is getting off-topic let me know, and I can move 
over to The List)

> I think it would be best if you supply a URL with the example that 
> shows the problem. Makes it a lot easier to determine the problem.
> This would also show what doctype (if any) you are using, which can 
> have an effect on how IE7 renders a page too.


Click on any of the thumbnails, and it'll get the script started.

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