Climis, Tim wrote:

> So I now have a new question: how can I give an empty link height
> in IE?  Since the height property in the css isn't working.

That would only work on block level elements, so 'display:block;'
would do the trick.
But that may not have the desired result if you're planning on
displaying the links horizontally next to each other.
If you want to do that, you'd have to float them.

> The
> whole point of this is to have the previous/next images be
> styleable via the stylesheet, instead of hardcoded in the
> javascript, which is why I want the background images instead of
> actual images. (if this is getting off-topic let me know, and I can
> move over to The List)

So why don't you use an actual transparent gif as filling for the
link? Transparent means see-through, and as long as the transparent
gif is safely sitting on the server in the right place, no broken
image symbol. The transparent gif only needs to be 1px in size, and
you can stretch it by just setting width and height on it.

> Click on any of the thumbnails, and it'll get the script started.

Ah, *those* prev and next images. I don't see the problem with those
being hardcoded into the JavaScript, as all you'd need to do to change
them, is replacing the image files that are used there. Even easier
than updating a stylesheet.


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