> Scott has a valid point here. Maybe this is the way you should be doing it.
> Also is it possible to make up ones own elements? That's sorta what XML is
> right? If you could do that then you can style it just like a p or h1 tag.

He does.  And I may do that.  I'm not using h6 for anything on this site yet.  
But there are a few things I wish for that would make even more semantic sense. 
 A. lists contained in paragraphs, or B. a list header element (like thead or 
th) <ul><lh></lh> <li></li> </ul>

And with XHTML, I could add my own elements, but then I'd have to write my own 
doctype or namespace, and it'd probably throw IE into all sorts of fun 
conniption fits.

But I think now that I've written an entire email without any mention of CSS, 
we're officially off topic, and should close the thread.


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