>> BTW: which known bug? Just in case there are better options.

> namely bug 50630: float should be as high as previous line box 
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50630

That bug is indeed old and well known, and has caused problems all
along. Don't know of any option but to hack back and forth between old
and new Geckos for that bug.

Problem is: one has to hack older Gecko version with a fix (lift float)
and new versions with the correct value, and it is always unsafe to hack
new versions.

This reduced hack should otherwise work, at least back to Fx 1.5 (not
thoroughly tested)...

@-moz-document url-prefix() {
:root>body ELEMENT-SELECTOR {/* fix old Gecko */}
ELEMENT-SELECTOR {/* correct value for new Gecko */}

Good thing is: the hack won't affect non-Gecko browsers.
Bad thing is: it isn't anywhere near "safe" since one has to hack all
3.1+ versions back to standard float-alignment now that the bug is fixed.
At some point in the near or more distant future one may have to delete
the entire hack, to avoid getting caught up in a hacking-race caused by
future development of Gecko and/or CSS standards.

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