On 21/06/2009, at 6:43 PM, trevor bayliss wrote:

>  What is the workaround for IE6 please?
>> For IE 6, you would have to set the div to be 535px as it
>> does not
>> understand min-height

Divya gave the workaround in the original message. IE6 will ignore min- 
height. However, if you set 'height' to 535px (only for IE6) it will  
work as IE6 will expand the div if the content is taller than 535px.  
The key is to ensure that only IE6 sees this rule. There are various  
ways of doing this. I prefer to use conditional comments 
). This isolates all of the nonsense IE rules in their own space. If  
you don't want to use conditional comments you can use a CSS hack  
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