On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 15:34:04 -0500
Came this utterance formulated by Lalena to my mailbox:

> Hi, has anyone else experienced seeing colors somewhat differently in 
> Photoshop vs. a web browser? Everything looks significantly darker in 
> Photoshop. It certainly adds an unnecessary obstacle to the design  
> process!
> Any tips on why this might be happening, and how to alleviate it?
> (I'm trying to match the background of an image--it's an image of  
> type--to a hexadecimal background color.)

Offtopic, but at a guess look to gamma correction in photoshop. I use
GIMP so can't be more help.


All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall
be well

 - Julian of Norwich 1342 - 1416
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