At 20:08 +0000 on 03/06/2010, Philip TAYLOR (Ret'd) wrote about Re: 
[css-d] FW:  <b><em><strong><i> tags:

>Thierry Koblentz wrote:
>>  fwiw, I don't agree.
>>  If an author wants "italics" or "bold" then he<em>should</em>,
>>  <strong>must</strong>, use<i>  and<b>.
>>  To stay on-topic I won't mention semantics (should be a no brainer though),
>>  but CSS: a User Agent does *not* have to make<em>  italics and<strong>
>>  bold, but it has to for<i>  and<b>.
>Although I don't disagree with your underlying premiss,
>I do disagree with your conclusions.  A User Agent is no
>more obliged to render <i> elements in italics, or
><b> elements in bold, than it is required to set off
><p> elements by vertical white space.  CSS gives
>both author and consumer the opportunity (or right,
>or privilege : call it what you will) to override
>any of those default renderings, as in :
>       I {font-style: normal; font-weight: bold}
>       B {font-style: italic; font-weight: normal}
>       P {margin-top: 0ex; margin-bottom: 0ex}
>Philip Taylor

You are confusing two issues. What the statement you are replying to 
said was that <i> and <b> will ALWAYS be displayed as respectively 
italic and bold by the UA/Browser. <em> and <strong> on the other 
hand will display in whatever style the Designer of the UA/Browser 
decided they should (although the usual method is italic and bold 

This is how the displays work UNLESS you override the decision of the 
UA via use of CSS rules. When you say "A User Agent is no more 
obliged to render <i> elements in italics, or <b> elements in bold 
..." you are incorrect. In the absence of a CSS override <i> and <b> 
ARE orders to display in italic or bold.

CSS is a way of changing the built-in defaults for how to display 
text enclosed in the different tags.

Bob Rosenberg
RockMUG Webmaster
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