On 15/03/2010, at 11:46 PM, Jack Timmons wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Chris Blake  
> <ch...@3pointdesign.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I think that I already know the answer to this one but it's worth a
>> shot:
>> I am using Joomla and ripping a template apart to make it work for  
>> me.
>> However when it comes to some of the modules I have to set the width
>> in pixels via the Joomla backend and the resulting code looks like  
>> this:
>> <div class="basic-h">
>>        <div id="yoo-scroller-1" class="yoo-scroller" style="width:
>> 960px;height: 255px;">
>> I tried to stick in a percent sign but it wrote it like this:
>> style="width: 100%px;height: 255px;">
>> Now the 'custom.css' sheet is the last CSS sheet in the list and is
>> overwriting most of the template's own. However I don't stand much of
>> a chance of getting around this styling unless you guys no of one?
>> Thanks, CB
>> (BTW I am using using a fluid layout and would like this scroller to
>> be the same)
> 100%px isn't valid, unless my programming mind is tying to make too  
> much sense.
> Stylesheets should never overwrite a style defined in the actual tag
> (Unless it's on the user's side).
> http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/cascade.html#specificity
> I would validate your CSS first and go from there.

Hi Jack,

Of course! I wouldn't dream of using 100%px .
How could user's side help? It would still have to load another style  
sheet and then go through the same HTML resulting in PX not %.

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