On Mar 19, 2010, at 2:37 AM, Peter Abramowicz wrote:

> On 18/03/2010 2:40 PM, Rory Bernstein wrote:
>> Hi All, me again. 
>> http://rorybernstein.com/francesca_proto/book1.html
>> So, I now have a new page. On the URL above, I have 2 problems:
>> 1. I want the div called #book_images to have the images it containts to sit 
>> on the bottom of that div (bottom aligned). I tried changing the position to 
>> absolute and using bottom: 0; but it does not work; it puts the whole div in 
>> a totally different place (moves it up and almost totally out of the 
>> window). Here's the rules for that div now (the blue border is just so you 
>> can see it better):
>> #book_images {
>> position: relative;
>> border: 1px solid blue;
>> width: auto;
>> overflow: hidden;
>> }
>> 2. I want that same div to always be just as wide as it needs to be to 
>> contain whatever images might be there, as they go out horizontally to the 
>> right. If the images are fewer, I don't want the page to scroll out farther 
>> than it needs to go. Currently, its parent-parent container 
>> (#nav_item_container) has a fixed width; if I don't use this fixed width, 
>> the whole div moves down under #nav. And, I don't want to break the layout 
>> if the images that get put in there exceed that width. How do I code this 
>> for a variable width in the best way? Part of the trouble seems to be that 
>> my #nav div has to have a fixed width (200px), because it has text in in 
>> that I want to wrap if that text gets longer (don't want the text in there 
>> to push that div wider). So, since that has a fixed width, the layout gets 
>> messed up if I don't set a fixed width for the parent-parent div. Am I being 
>> unreasonable to expect that I can have a changing width for this div, and 
>> that they will always keep going ou
>> t
>>   to the right, and keep the scrollbars to always fit to the existing width 
>> of the images, even as that changes? This will go into a CMS and the client 
>> will have the freedom to put a lot of images in there, and I want it to work 
>> at whatever width those images turn out to be. 
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Rory
> Try this:
> #nav_item_container {
> }
> #item {
> padding: 0 0 20px 0;
> }
> #book_images {
> white-space: nowrap;
> }
> #book_images img {
> padding-right: 10px;
> }
> -- 
> Peter Abramowicz
> Arachne Web Designs
> 403.990.6016
> www.arachne-design.com

Peter, thank you for this solution. It works perfectly. Now I just have to ask: 
How are the photos in #book_images being aligned to the bottom of the div? I 
don't understand what makes that happen. There doesn't seem to be any rule for 
that. I am mystified!

A new question for everyone!

On this page:

The text in the left nav that is contained in <span class="small"> is not 
getting as small as I want it (this the black text starting with "The Portraits 
of Francisco Clemente..."). This is the CSS for .small:
.small {font-size: 0.8em;}

But I can't seem to get it go go any smaller. The rule works when I make the 
text bigger. Is there some sort of "floor" to font-size that won't let me make 
it smaller?

Thanks for your help with the horizontal div problem; much, much appreciated!

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