On Sun, 25 Apr 2010, John Franks wrote:

> I have put together a simple finished web page below to help show my
> problem and what I am trying to achieve.
> The page shows a pink background box which needs to be 62 pixels
> high. Inside that pink background I need the input text box together
> with its submit button to sit smack bang in the center, both
> vertically and horizontally.
> Here is my main problem - I need it to look identical in all of the
> following main browsers, including having the text vertically align
> in the center of the input fields i.e. line heights etc:

   You cannot.

   You can't even make it identical in the same browser. People have
   different window sizes, different font sizes, different fonts,


   Chris F.A. Johnson, <http://cfajohnson.com>
   Pro Bash Programming: Scripting the GNU/Linux Shell (2009, Apress)
   Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)
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