On 03/05/10 21:13, Jenni Beard wrote:
> Any thoughts?  I am at my wits' end with this!

Just a holding answer until someone can get back to you with something 
more constructive...

You have an html error in your <link> element on line 6.  It just need 
closing, that's all.  That gets your html validating OK.

In your CSS you have a number of errors - according to the validator:

      Sorry! We found the following errors (9)

        URI : http://charlestonhealinghands.com/1/main.css

51      #nav    Parse Error ]margin-right:85px;
52      #nav    Parse Error ]left: 400px;
        Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :none
54      background-color        Parse Error none;
55      background-color        Parse Error }
63      #content        Value Error : padding-top 
<http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/box.html#propdef-padding-top> -50.0 negative 
values are not allowed : -50px -50px

        URI :

22      ul.MenuBarVertical      Value Error : background-color 
<http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/colors.html#propdef-background-color> none 
is not a color value : none none
59      ul.MenuBarVertical ul   Parse Error ]margin: -5% 0 0 -95%;
60      ul.MenuBarVertical ul   Parse Error }

Correcting these may help.  I haven't been able to check because I can't 
get my hands on IE7 for the moment.




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