Chris, I have to be honest, I do not know what question(s) you
are asking,  IF you are asking "how should I enter EMW8 throughout
my site so that it comes out consistently and with the 8 raised
(and perhaps grey) without affecting anything else ?", I would
propose something along the lines of the following :

        .EMW8 {whatever}
        .EMW8 sup {position: relative; vertical-align: baseline; size: 90%; 
bottom: 1ex; color: gray}

        <span class="EMW8">EMW<sup>8</sup></span>

See http://Web-Consultants.Org.Uk/Sites/EMW8/ for a demo.

<topic class="off">
        As regards your preferred domain name, whilst "EMW".whatever
        is more-or-less full taken, there are still vacancies at
        "E-M-W".<whatever> (e.g.,

Philip Taylor
Chris Blake wrote:

I am basically using EMW8 as the company name. I'd rather do away with
the 8, but some sod is just sitting on the domain. to make it be less
important I want to make it superscript throughout the website whenever
name dropping. So in this instance should I make a span, setting lower
type face and padding-bottom that could work and not screw up all the
other default stylings?

Another option could be just to make a span making the 8 a soft grey
rather than black, but I have already started to devlop the logo and it
looks quite cool being ss.
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