On 02/10/10 17:10, ludmilla wrote:
Can anybody please let me know how to make the purple horizontal
navigation to go all the way to the right.
So that there is no "empty" space after the Mercantile link.
css is here:
Many thanks.

Hi Lida,

One way to solve your problem might be to centre your navigation links, rather than try to expand them to exactly 920 px. That gives you a small purple margin on either side, which doesn't look unbalanced. I've only tested this in Firefox, but the following CSS seems to work:

from #navcontainer ul, remove the float: left and add line-height: 1.6em and text-align: center

from #navcontainer ul li a also remove the float: left

You will need to add a white border to the left-hand side of your first list item.

Hope that helps.


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