Hi all.
Since the overwhelming majority of my clients own websites hosted on shared hosts, I was wondering if there's a straight way to compress CSS without taking into account the oddities of the default configuration of the web server , which varies greatly from hoster to hoster. Almost a year ago I switched to YUI Compressor for minification and it really works. Now I want to use compression on shared hosts, but I'm afraid of getting thorugh all the tests with the .htaccess file that, by the way, it's limited in some ways on a shared host. And yes, there's no way to access the infamous httpd.conf file on such hosts ! >.< Did you find a solution to this problem? A couple of months ago I stumbled on a PHP script that performs minifcation using the ob_ function group and includes. Nice, but what about compression? I know that I could activate the gzlib compression via PHP, but I don't know if this will succeed on a shared host. Hope you have some answer, as always.


Gabriele Romanato :-)

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