On 12/3/2010 12:51 PM, Climis, Tim wrote:
I am using this approach (rather than just change the registercolright
class) because each page where that class is used requires some
adjustment and I'd prefer, if possible, not to create a large number of
similar classes.
Then don't....  Apply multiple classes instead.

<div class="registercolright lotsOfSpace">

<div class="registercolright littleSpace">

<div class="registercolright oodlesOSpace">

The point here is that your registercolright class stays the same and gets 
called everywhere, and then you apply a second class to the div that applies 
varying amounts of whitespace.

You do have lots of very similar classes, (they're all margin-top: something), 
but they're also very small.

Thanks, Tim. Yes, you are quire right about the proliferation of classes, and I did not know about applying a second class. This has been the result of "learn as I go" and it seemed easier (at the time) to simply copy a class and make a few adjustment.

Your point is well taken and I'll use it in the future.

Thank you,


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