On 12/3/2010 12:51 PM, Thierry Koblentz wrote:
Hi Bill,

Many thanks, Thierry. Will settle for additional classes.
Actually, you should not have a list/list items in that span. So rather than
adding a class you'd better replace that span with a div (which will take
the padding).

As a side note, do you need that additional wrapper? Can't you style "
registercolright " with some padding-top?

Hi Thierry,

Tim's comments apply here, I think. I use "registercolright" on multiple pages, but the padding requirements of each page vary a little based on the content that is being written by the PHP code. In some cases I want the <ul> to write near the "natural" top of the div class=registercolright and on other pages to write farther down from the "natural" top.

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