On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 18:40, Evan Panagiotopoulos <epana...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I create a string of html documents using php. Each document prints one
> sheet of paper.

> If I use: <div id="print-footer"> Using id=... to call the css and I only
> get the footer properly placed on the first page only. The rest of the
> pages
> do not have a footer.
> If I use <div class="print-footer"> Using class=... to call the css I get
> the "footer" text placed under the end of the content on each page. Somehow
> it does not appear as a footer.

How is your HTML organized? If it's one html file per physical page, the use
of ID vs CLASS for css shouldn't matter (make sure if you use class you're
adjusting your selector).  If you're using one html file for all the odd
pages you might try position:fixed for the footer. A fixed box will appear
on each printed page. If all the pages are in a single file, I'm not aware
of any syntax that can suppress the footer only for even pages but then I've
never practised printing HTML. As others have suggested you might want to
try generating a pdf instead.

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