On Thu, 27 Jan 2011, Goldsmith, Marissa wrote:

Hi all,

My apologies in advance for not having a link to the Web site I am
talking about - when the issue I noticed came up, I had to make changes
to how everything was done, and so the example I'm talking about is no
longer live. So please bear with me and my horrible line art. The gist
of my question is, has anyone ever noticed CSS rendering differences
(especially regarding margins) between the various Mac OS10 versions?
You can read on if you want to see specifically what my problem is, but
I couldn't find any information on this elsewhere, and was wondering if
I had just created a perfect storm, or if this was a known issue.

   The usual reason is that different people have different defualt
   font sizes in their browsers, and it has nothing to do with the OS
   (or even the specific browser).

   Chris F.A. Johnson, <http://cfajohnson.com/>
   Pro Bash Programming: Scripting the GNU/Linux Shell (2009, Apress)
   Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)
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