Hi All,

I'm trying to put together a map-driven interface. An embryonic
example is at http://www.gjctech.co.uk/test/test.php (.) The 'work in
progress' CSS stylesheet is at http://www.gjctech.co.uk/test/csw.css

The map consists of a number of tiles, each in a table cell. At each
vertical edge of the map is a full-height table cell. What's vexing me
is trying to find a way to position the '+' and '-' controls at the
top of the right-hand cell while keeping the 'scroll right' control in
the centre of the same cell. I can kludge this by creating an inner
table with three rows in the right-hand cell, but I'd rather do this
with CSS if possible. I've tried using position:absolute, but that
positions the controls absolutely on the page while I need them
positioned relative to the top edge of the table cell. Since the cell
itself has vertical-align:center, using position:relative on the
images places them close to the centre of the cell just above the
scroll arrow. What I need is to have the '+' and '-' near to the top
of the cell with the scroll arrow in the centre.

Is this possible using CSS, and if so how?

All help gratefully received.


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