On Tuesday, February 8, 2011, 11:22:33 PM, Eric A. Meyer wrote:

>     So, as Paul says, throw a div in there, gritting your teeth about 
> the crufty markup if necessary, and relatively position the div.  If 
> you want to position in relation to the right or bottom edges of the 
> cell, you may have to get creative with heights and widths and so on. 
> If you only care about top and/or left, you can skip all that.

My thanks to all who've offered help.

Unfortunately, the suggested approach only gives me partial success
(initial tests in Firefox 3.6 and IE8). The table cell extends over 5
rows, is of class 'mapnav' and the CSS stylesheet sets

I added a DIV styled display:block; position:relative; height:100%
within the table cell and then added styling to each of the image
input tags, e.g. position:absolute; top:25; (.) The result was a
jumbled mess and the table cell seems to have disappeared.

I then tried setting the table cell vertical alignment to 'top', which
had the effect of moving the jumbled mess of images from the middle of
the cell to the top and the table cell still could not be seen.

I then tried setting the background colour of the DIV to yellow so
that I could see whether the DIV extended the full height of the cell
but neither the DIV nor the table cell could be seen. So I added
width:100% to the DIV styling to force it to occupy the entire table
cell but this had no discernible effect on the rendered page.

I then tried adding a non-breaking space to the content of the DIV and
was rewarded by a yellow block one character high and wide and a black
line one character wide extending down the remainder of the cell.

So, it seems that using position:absolute to take the images out of
the normal flow causes the table cell width to collapse. So I added
width:25px; to the cell style. The result was still a jumbled mess but
at least the table cell had returned (with the DIV rendering as a
one-character high block of yellow at the top).

So I explicitly positioned both the '+' and '-' images with left:0 and
both of those obligingly moved onto the table cell and are now where I
want them (previously, they were vertically aligned with the right

The page can be seen at http://www.gjctech.co.uk/test/test.php with
the CSS stylesheet at http://www.gjctech.co.uk/test/csw.css

Note that I've also tried (unsuccessfully) to position the right arrow
vertically centred in the table cell. I've set both margin-top and
margin-bottom to auto but I suspect this doesn't work because the DIV
doesn't seem to extend over the entire table cell even though I've set
it to 'height:100%'.

I temporarily set the table cell vertical alignment back to center and
also tried setting it to 'middle' but both move the block of images
from the top to the middle of the cell. I guess that what's needed is
some method of persuading the DIV to occupy the entire cell.

Any further help gratefully received.


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