Am 12.05.11 03:07, schrieb Philippe Wittenbergh:

On May 10, 2011, at 6:51 PM, Joergen W. Lang wrote:
According to the spec (1) the values for 'font-size' and
'font-family' must be specified at all times.

Correct. E { font: 1em/1.5 'my font' sans-serf;} is the minimal

I guess, the value for line-height could also be omitted. There should be a comma between 'my font' and 'sans-serif', d'accord?:

E { font: 1em 'my font', sans-serf;}


button { font: menu; }

which then can be altered via single properties. This seems to
violate the "last two values are mandatory" rule.

No, read carefully

Under Values, the system fonts are specified outside of the [ ].

Oh, good old regular expressions. That's where I failed.

then [quote] System fonts may only be set as a whole; that is, the
font family, size, weight, style, etc. are all set at the same time.
These values may then be altered individually if desired [/quote]

The second sentence specifies that you need to use the individual
properties separately to modify style/weight/...

Agreed. It was the first sentence that had me confused. Specifically "as a whole" which could easily be interpreted as "values for single properties must be given in one declaration". Same for "are all set at the same time".

A more concise wording might be:

"System fonts may only be set using the shorthand form. In this case one of the above keywords ('caption', 'icon', 'menu', 'message-box', 'small-caption', or 'status-bar') replaces the minimal two-argument form. The font family, size, weight, style, etc. are all set implicitly.

These values may then be altered individually using single properties if desired."

For the moment I do not see a lot of use cases for system fonts. But this may change with more web applications emulating the behaviour of native apps. Would this be an issue for www-style?

Jørgen W. Lang

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