> 1) Is the way I am achieving the effect completely bonkers? Am I
> overlooking a much simpler way?

That is exactly the way to do what you are trying to do except that I would fix 
the image position like this:

#outer-wrap{background: #fff url(../Bokeh.jpg) no-repeat fixed 50% top; }

The altermnative to fixed is scroll but this is not necessary in your case as 
you are not repeating the image (x nor y)

> 2) Is there a better way to achieve what is happening?

Not that I know of except the other respondents made it very scientific and 
therefore very complicated IMO.

> 3) Providing i'm not doing something completely insane, is it possible
> to get IE7 and 8 to play nicer (have the bg image not continue behind
> the content as the viewport decreases below 900px wide)? With a
> different method?

To make it liquid, use percentages instead of px.  Try a width of 90% for 
outer-wrap and remove the width for other divs.

You also need to make sure it validates because you don't have an opening 
<head> and also an opening <body>.  Always use the validation service just to 
iron out basic mistakes and unbalanced html/css tags.

My 2 pence worth.
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