On 7/6/11 5:15 PM, Tom Livingston wrote:
On 7/6/11 4:11 PM, Tom Livingston wrote:
Can anyone tell me why the background in this layout is getting messed
up in mobile Safari? (iPhone, at least. Haven't checked an iPad).



Im aware of the lack of mobile styles. More will be coming, however I
was referring to the containing 'outer' divs that have a 100% width.
On my iPhone, they do not seem to honor that 100% width. Is there a
way to get them to be 100% wide on the phone?

Dunno... without downloading and trying it I can only suggest try something like this...

@media screen and (max-device-width:480px),screen and (max-width:480px){
#foo-1, #foo-2, #foo-3 {border: 1px dashed red; margin: 0 auto; min-width:96%; max-width:96%; width: 96%;}}/*mind last brace*/



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