On Aug 4, 2011, at 10:58 PM, Joergen W. Lang wrote:

>> Pretty weird. The first time I loaded your test case, it worked fine,
>> then I reloaded and failure. I save the page locally, and it never
>> worked correctly (from my local server).
> Only S5.1 or also other browsers?

Safari 5.1 - the nth-child selectors never kicked in, your original page was 
open in another tab; I didn't 'save', I copied the source code from your page 
into a new doc, saved it an opened it. As I said, real weird.
>> The one difference I can see: thead, tbody, tfoot. And indeed, using
>> those would solve your  test case.
> That indeed fixes it. Omitting tfoot appears to be OK.

Of course - the tfoot comes after the tbody in the rendering, and thus the 
counting of rows.

> When using thead/tbody, the row count is offset by 1 (header rows are not 
> counted). Same goes for adjacent siblings.

That is normal, each table-row-group resets the count.

> For styling th elements a more explicit selector is needed (assuming two rows 
> of th), e.g.:
>  thead tr:nth-child(2) th:nth-child(4) { ... }

Why would that be ?

Philippe Wittenbergh

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